through microfranchising opportunities

Energy Box gives hope and financial independence

at affordable prices to the BoP

Energy Box sources and supplies quality, durable products

of the poor

Digital & Financial Inclusion

Products that ensure

mostly unavailable in townships

access to

Clean Energy Products

through microfranchising opportunities

and financial independence

Energy Box gives hope

at affordable prices to the BoP

quality, durable products

Energy Box sources and supplies

mostly unavailable in townships

Clean Energy Products

Access to

Products that ensure

of the poor

Digital & Financial Inclusion

Energy Box is a Social Enterprise
with the vision of bringing hope to people at the base of the economic pyramid by creating opportunities to earn a decent and sustained living.

The vehicle we have chosen to do this is the highly scalable model of micro-franchising.

Energy Box targets the vast INVISIBLE MARKET of the township and rural communities with the objective of making a meaningful difference to the burning issues of poverty, unemployment and economic disempowerment in Southern Africa.

Energy Box focuses predominantly on women and youth development.

what is microfranchising?
A model that applies the basic principles of traditional franchising with drastically scaled down startup costs. It systemises and replicates a proven recipe of a successful micro enterprise. Strong branding, training, access to funding and products are key.
Informal Trading Shack
4Walls Employee
The Energy Box model provides MICROFRANCHISEES with 4 areas of support to enhance their chances of success
the problems we are solving
Poverty and lack of access to affordable clean energy at the Base of the Economic Pyramid remain significant socio-economic and environmental challenges today.  Globally, over 700m people are living in extreme poverty, with almost 90m of those in Southern African countries.

An estimated 1,8bn people on earth live with no or unreliable grid and 2.7bn have no access to clean cooking facilities.  Nearly 60% of people in the Southern African region live without electricity or an unreliable grid and over 70% do not have access to clean cooking.

Problems we solve
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4Walls Holdings (Pty) Ltd, Trading as Energy Box, has committed to the GOGLA Consumer Protection Code.

This demonstrates our willingness as an organisation to fulfill the Principles as the minimum standards our consumers should expect from us. We commit to a periodical self assessment of our performance and strive to achieve high standards or practice.
Further information can be found on the GOGLA website